
ChatGT, initiated by Tobias Hammerle, creates a bridge between artificial intelligence and literary art, inspired by the melancholic works of Georg

Interactive Documentary Environment, online performance in coopartion with ARGEkultur Salzburg and Bangkok International Performance Arts Meeting (BIPAM).

"Find myself through Mozart" is an artistic-visual and scientific project.

The gold extra media machinarium is an online slot machine with projects from gold extra
Storycase is a prototype for an AR project that artistically explores the narrative possibilities of AR and multiple objects.
Installation Sense by Reinhold Bidner und Karl Zechenter at Museum Fronfeste


Internet Gaga

The Geschichten-Krampus (The Storied Krampus) is an interactive sound installation concerning experiences of Krampus customs in Salzburg, Austria.

gold extra has been producing art for the digital space for many years. A good opportunity to weekly present a digital artwork.

What was going on in the 21st century? A well experienced team of future archaeologists reconctructed the 20iest aniversary exhibition of artist group gold extra for the gallery pro arte.