Vortrag "Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der ästhetischen Bildung“ (PH Steiermark)

  • schul-stiegenhaus, zwei jugendliche schauen auf smartphone, markierung an der wand
  • regenbogen-zebrastreifen, menschengroße mensch-ärgere-dich-nicht-figur

On 12 October at 17:00, Sonja Prlić will give a lecture as part of the lecture series "Possibilities and Challenges of Aesthetic Education" at the Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark.

The lecture series is curated by HS Prof. Brigitte Kovacs and focuses on the question of what potential art brings with it in a constantly changing world. In her lecture, Sonja Prlić presents the two artistic research projects schnitt # stellen and AR Communities. In doing so, she addresses games as artistic research tools. She will also discuss questions about how digital games are created in different contexts (school/public space), how everyday experiences of participants flow into games and how games can contribute to participation.

The lecture series is open to all interested parties and will take place both online and in person. All further information and the link to the online meeting can be found on the website of the PH Steiermark.
