Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes?

Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes? Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes?.
Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes? Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes?.

Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes?

Audio installation in the group exhibition "AI and art. A symbiotic vision"

Art room in the Traklhaus, April 25th, 7 p.m

The work "Do Scots Dream of Robotic Bagpipes" explores the complex relationship between technology and tradition through the use of early and now outdated machine learning methods such as Markov chains. Old tradition meets ancient AI.
More information about the project

Georg Hobmeier developed the project together with the musicologist, musician and expert for artificial intelligence in music, Juan Romero, who works at the ZKM Karlsruhe, among others, in the early 2010s as an automated bagpipe machine with machine learning programming. As part of the exhibition "100 Years of Traklhaus" Hobmeier and Romero are showing an audio version of the work.

The exhibition was curated by Stephanie Meisl and David Fisslthaler and organized in a collaboration between D#AVANTGARDE – new technology, art and creativity, Kunst im Traklhaus and the state of Salzburg. Sixteen projects selected after a call for proposals will be on display and experienced in the art space in the Traklhaus from April 25th to May 18th. The opening will be carried out by the State Councilor for Culture and Deputy Governor Stefan Schnöll.



