Exhibition films by Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction Festival

Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival.
Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival.
Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival.
Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival Austellung Filme von Kris Hofmann / Science Meets Fiction-Festival.

Exhibition films by Kris Hofmann /
Science Meets Fiction Festival

Monday, 16.9 to Friday, 7. October 2022, DAS KINO at screening times

Insects & Us, Bookworms - Films of Augmented Reality (AR) Installations by Kris Hofmann
Science Meets Fiction Festival.

Do bookworms really exist and what do they do? Even more so in the National Library of Vienna? And what about the secret life of insects? In the AR installations "Bookworms" and "Insects & Us" Kris Hofmann shows surprising insights into the lively life around us.

In the foyer of DasKino, gold extra is showing two trailer films by Austrian animated filmmaker Kris Hofmann as part of the Science Meets Fiction festival. The installation Bookworms was nominated for Austrian State Prize for Digitization 2020. Both films show AR installations that let us rediscover our environment, zoom in, zoom out, change perspective and ask new questions.

You can try out the AR installation "Insects & Us" live

on 7.10., Das Kino at Talk with Kris Hofmann (Information here!)


Science Meets Fiction Festival:

From 26.9. to 7.10. there are 11 events in two weeks, from a reading to a filmlecture to a lecture at the Haus der Natur on this year's festival theme: Climate.Changes. How can we perceive the great upheavals in the climate, in which stories do we put our hopes, fears and the data situation? The festival will present many exciting perspectives that invite us to take a closer look at our own ideas about the future.
-> Information about the festival (german)