Georg Hobmeier: Terra Incognita I. Chances for Game Developers in "New" Markets

Georg Hobmeier: Terra Incognita I. Chancen für Spielentwickler in „neuen“ Märkten Georg Hobmeier: Terra Incognita I. Chancen für Spielentwickler in „neuen“ Märkten.
Georg Hobmeier: Terra Incognita I. Chancen für Spielentwickler in „neuen“ Märkten Georg Hobmeier: Terra Incognita I. Chancen für Spielentwickler in „neuen“ Märkten.

In the course of the Quo Vadis Conference Georg Hobmeier will deliver a talk on art games. In this panel the focus is on niche markets: Prof. Markus Wieker discusses where to find markets, develop a business model and attract a target audience for these special games.

Speakers in ths Panel are:  
Thomas Bedenk, VR Consultant, Exozet, Berlin, Germany
Vladimir Zivkovic, CCO, Eipix Entertainment, Novi Sad, Serbia
Georg Hobmeier, Narrative Designer & Conceptionist, Causa Creations/gold extra, Vienna, Austria
Heiko Fuchs, CEO, Twisted Rooms, Hamburg, Germany
Moderation: Prof. Markus Wiemker (media Akademie - Hochschule Stuttgart (mAHS), University of Applied Sciences )

The Quo Vadis Conference is a part of the International Games Week Berlin