From Darkness Nominierung bei A MAZE. / Johannesburg

From Darkness Nominierung bei A MAZE. / Johannesburg From Darkness Nominierung bei A MAZE. / Johannesburg.
From Darkness Nominierung bei A MAZE. / Johannesburg From Darkness Nominierung bei A MAZE. / Johannesburg.

Unser Spiel From Darkness über ostafrkanische Lebensrealitäten wird in der Games and Playful Media Ausstellung der  A MAZE. / Johannesburg gezeigt und ist für einen A MAZE Award nominiert.

Games and Playful Media exhibition

As international culture is brought together, games and playful media stands united too. Artistic and experimental Games and Playful Media are often off the mainstream and allow for different experiences with new and playful views, often on serious topics. Technology is used as playground for artistic expression and experimental interaction with audiences interested in critical reflection and playful interaction. The exhibition is open to the public and gives you insight into another dimension of games culture.

A MAZE. / Johannesburg, Tshimologong Precinct: 41 Juta Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Südafrika

Eröffnung: 13.09.2017: 18:00

Ausstellung 14.09.-16.09.2017. 12:00-24:00