ChatGT - do while() human dreams - Ausstellung im Traklhaus

  • ChatGT - Premiere
  • ChatGT - Concept Art (c) Tobias Hammerle
  • Kunst & KI - eine symbiotische vision
  • ChatGT - Installation
  • ChatGT - Premiere
  • ChatGT - Premiere
  • ChatGT
  • ChatGT - Premiere
  • ChatGT - analogue Captcha
  • ChatGT

The interactive installation ChatGT - do while() human dreams, (GT for Georg Trakl) created by Tobias Hammerle, offers a bridge between artificial intelligence and literary art, inspired by the melancholic works of Georg Trakl.

AI projects are always somewhat of a black box, often for the coders and engineers as well. So, what is ChatGT?

More about the project...

As part of the exhibition "AI and Art. A Symbiotic Vision", ChatGT will be presented for the first time on April 25th at 7:00 PM.

In an open call in late autumn 2023, artists were invited to submit their ideas and concepts on AI and art. The requirements: integration of AI in the artistic process and the reinterpretation of works by Georg Trakl. Nearly 100 submissions from Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, England, Canada, China, and South Korea were evaluated by a jury of five art historians and media art experts. The sixteen selected projects will be on display and experienceable at the Kunstraum in Traklhaus from April 25 to May 18.
