Current Animation Dates

Aktuelle Termine Animation Aktuelle Termine Animation.
Aktuelle Termine Animation Aktuelle Termine Animation.

Reinhold´s animated experiments are going to be shown at the following Events in the upcoming weeks.

November 9-11 2018 "Ex Terrat" @ StopTrik Festival ŁÓDŹ (Poland)
November 21 & 22 2018 "The Why Cycle" @ Two Day Animation Festival - Best Austrian Animation 2018
November 26 2018 Panel-Discussion: "In Wirklichkeit Animation", Museumsquartier Vienna
November 30 - December 9 2018 "Until we coldeidescape" @ London International Animation Festival
December 4 - 9 2018 "The Why Cycle" @ Animateka Ljubljana
December 11 2018 gold extra Open Studio: Digital-Analog Animation, Kunstverein Salzburg, gold extra Atelier
January 18 & 19 2019 Open Media Award Linz