Die Gewinnerspiele von BRIEFS 2023

  • screenshot of game "xenograft", purple background and black cards
  • screenshot of game "xenograft", purple background and black cards
  • screenshot of game "eid", blue sky, yellow sand and EID in capital letters in the middle of image
  • screenshot of game "eid", yellow background, two figures in the middle (human and pig)
  • screenshot of game "eid", yellow background, two figures in the middle (human and pig), speeking bubble "a pig"
  • screenshot of game "when they fly", hand drawn room with two people in it
  • screenshot of game "when they fly", hand drawn landscape

You can play the 2023 BRIEFS winner games now!

  • When They Fly - an absurd game about finding proof that pigs CAN fly - by Cuatro Assets
  • Eid - a visual novel/walking simulator about faith and difficult decisions - by hatimb00
  • Xenograft - a Scifi Rogue like card game - by spiders


You find all of the games on the BRIEFS itch.io website: https://itch.io/b/2039/briefs-2023-the-pigs-collection
