Ex Terrat - new experimental Animation by Reinhold Bidner

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Ex Terrat -

An Audiovisual Experimental Animation based on Reinhold Bidner´s personal Paris-Dérives in 2015. The Idea was to walk through/explore and to feel inspired by the Urban Landscapes & Textures, the City, the Street Art, the People and the Museums of Paris as a starting point.

Based on that the main focus was laid on Faces (but also athmospheres) that are rather on the darker side of the spectrum. Reinhold Bidner let himself get inspired by what he collected/ photographed/ filmed or sound-recorded and created his very personal & distinct Imagery/Animations/Portraits (and Sound) out of it through various techniques such as Compositing, Hand Drawn and Computer Animation, Morphing, Layering and Double Exposures, Stop Motion Animation and Music- & Sound-Production.

Paris combines so much Contrast, so much Beauty and Life and Creativity on the one hand, but also Horror and Misfortune and Destruction on the other at the same time, and this work tries to capture that in a rather abstract and individual way.

It not only covers portraits, but to some extent it also is a Portrait of a City full of Creativity, Humor, Love and Communication (but also the brutal opposite of all this), that leaves Bidner behind speechless but also clueless every time.


"Ex Terrat" - Festival List:

December 5th - 11th 2016 Animateka Ljubljana (Slo)
November 17th 2016 One Day Animation Festival / Best Austrian Animation
November 15th - 20th 2016 Ex Terrat at Internationales Kurzfilm Festival Berlin
Linoleum International Contemporary Animation and Media-Art Festival Kiev, Sept15th - Sept18th 2016
September 17th 2016: Berlin: "All night wrong" - Art Exhibition
visionXsound Festival: September 11th / September 17th / Oct 1st 2016
Prix Ars Electronica 2016 - Animation Festival, Sept 8th 2016
Budapest Short Film Festival, Hungary, August 30th - Sept 3rd 2016
Oberhausen International Short Film Festival 2016, May 8th 2016
Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2016, April 21st 2016
Exhibition/presentation/talk At Salzburger Kunstverein (gold Extra), April 6th 2016
