Expanded Animation Symposium at Ars Electronica

  • Expanded Animation Symposium

On 9 and 10 September, the Expanded Animation Symposium will take place as part of the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz/Austria. gold extra's Reinhold Bidner has conceived and organised one of the panels (Asifa Austria Forum on 10 September from 11 am) together with Jürgen Hagler (FH Hagenberg and Ars Electronica).

Speakers at the Expanded Animation Symposium, including: Amanita Design - Jan Chlup (CZ), Radim Jurda (CZ) | Isabelle Arvers (FR) | Causa Creations - Brian Main (US/AT), Ben Wahl (AT) | Yoni Goodman (IL) | Margarete Jahrmann (AT) | Michelle Kranot (DK) | Martina Scarpelli (IT/DK) | Robert Seidel (DE) | Alex Verhaest (BE)
