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GAME TALK: Time Travel and Time Loops in Games
Talks by Melanie Bartl, Milo Loder and Andreas Rauscher
Discussion with Sonja Prlić
at: DAS KINO, 6.10., 19:30h
The Science Meets Fiction Festival with films, readings, discussions & a star-studded journey takes place from 25.09.-8.10. throughout Salzburg!
At this year's Game Talk, it's off to the time machine. The media cultural scientist Andreas Rauscher (Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg) spans the arc between the playful use of time loops and time travel in film. His book "Zeitreisen in Zelluloid" (Time Travel in Celluloid), which he published together with Jörg Helbig, is definitely worth reading.
Two game presentations show what time jumps can do in games: Melanie Bartl (Flathead Studios) presents the game We Are One, Milo Loder (Reignite Games, Causa Creations) talks about Panta Rhei, both games were released this year. After the talks, Sonja Prlic will invite us to talk.
An exciting evening for all time tourists and those who want to become one.
Those who come to DAS KINO from 6 p.m. onwards have the opportunity to prepare themselves for the time travel by playing. From 6 p.m., Martin Jobst-Tremel will be making his collection of consoles available and inviting you to retro gaming. (-> to the info)
Information on the Science Meets Fiction Festival: Please click here