gold extra at Journalist Convention DOKVILLE in Stuttgart

gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.
gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart gold extra bei DOKVILLE in Stuttgart.

The focus of this year's industry meeting DOKVILLE is on investigative long formats and docu-series. Panel discussions are devoted to the conditions of elaborate and time-consuming investigative films, cooperation with whistleblowers, fact checks, fake news and propaganda lies, and finally the financing of investigative docu-formats. 

In the panel at 12am, Jochen Gebauer (co-founder "The Pod - Das Spielemagazin zum Hören"),Tobias Hammerle (documentary filmmaker and artist, gold extra),Zoë Koç (game designer, Spell Garden Games) will talk about documetary game formats and their potential.

Moderation: Paul Kautz (editor and author of "Game Not Over").

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