“I'm building myself a world...” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton

“Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton “Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton.
“Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton “Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton.
“Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton “Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton.
“Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton “Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton.
“Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton “Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton.
“Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton “Ich mach mir die Welt....” Games & Game-Talk mit James Patton.

Fr., 4.10., 19h ARGEkultur, Studio

“I'm building myself a world...” - Playing and Talking about Games.

Talk withJames Patton and Karl Zechenter (20h). Open at 19h: Indie Games of Cyberpunk genre

… just how I like it: Indie Games concerning politics and technology in ARGEkultur Salzburg with James Patton, producer of Spinnortality: How does politics come into computer games? What are the right rules for a cyberpunk strategy games? What does happen if your Indie game becomes a hit on Steam?

We are curiously anticipating when the upheavals related to Artificial Intelligence will be seen and felt? Likely curious much the same way the intelligent machines around us await the moment, when we will discover that they are already there:. Smart Assistants, Chatbots, Fitness-Tracker are part of our everyday-life. Which rules do we want to develop for our future? How do we want to live?

James Patton, developer of the cyberpunk strategy-game Spinnortality, let's us take the position of the CEO of a global corporation and speaks about the relationship between games and politics, the game balance and rules and his work as independent game developer.

Game Lounge with Spinnortality and Cyberpunk Games, 19h
Talk with James Patton, 20h