
Litfass-Eule Litfass-Eule.
Litfass-Eule Litfass-Eule.

Reinhold Bidner's "Litfass-Eule", which was selected as part of the "Art Advertising Pillar" competition, can be viewed and read in Salzburg at Franz-Josef-Kai 39 until the end of August.
The "Litfass-Eule" likes to see and hear everything. Accordingly, this art advertising pillar would like to point out the subject of surveillance and the accompanied restriction of fundamental- and freedom rights. We like to forget how carelessly we deal with smart devices, how precisely they track and monitor us, and how many traces we leave each day in the digital space but also in reality.
Always mobile, always online and "connected" is blessing and curse at the same time, on the one hand it means unprecedented opportunities and potentials, on the other hand, today's mobile possibilities leave us with new dangers and raise numerous commercial and political questions that this "LItfass-Eule" would like to adress.