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June 2-6 2021: Nothing is real.
shut up and listen! Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art, Vienna
Our one-armed bandit LOCAL CRISIS MACHINE, with which you can play and discover crisis stories from all over Europe, is part of the festival shut up and listen! Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art.
The crisis is ubiquitous: as crisis of the economy, the climate crisis, lack of values or political credibilty and crisis of each and every issue between milk gone sour and the state of Austrian football. gold extra puts the rule to the test:
How does the elongated global economic crisis affect the individual? The project „Local Crisis Machine“ lets a slot machine, a classic one-armed-bandit turn into a crisis intervention. The gambling machine becomes a discursive forum, a documentary project inviting us to play with the European debt crisis: The classic three cylinders of a rebuilt slot machine display European situations of very personal crisis management with contributions from Wales, Spain, Roumania, Germany and many more.