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Georg Hobmeier presents the computergame / interactive documentary "FROM DARKNESS" at Hafen 2, Offenbach (GER) in within the Festival "Urban Africa"
The artists and journalists of the austrian group "From Darkness" have interviewed slum children, restaurant owners, journalists and refugees in Kenia and Uganda. Starting point is the african metropole Nairobi, as it marks the trail hunt of daily life stories. Post-war life, IT-Boom and street trade: wich images are shown, and which images are we paintng ourselves? Al these questions and some answers will emerge whilest playing/experiencing FROM DARKNESS. Documentary games constitue a sector of serious games, which still needs a lot of developement. FROM DARKNESS is an effort to search for new aproaches and gamify documentary connections. The concept of the game has been already awarded with the media art award of Salzburg, Austria.
Time: 7th of may, 2015, Entrance: 19.30. Lecture and presentation start at 19.45
Location: Hafen 2, Kulturzentrum und interdisziplinäre Plattform
Nordring 129, D 63067 Offenbach
Free Entrance