Presentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur

Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur.
Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur.
Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur.
Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur.
Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur.
Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur Präsentation From Darkness/ARGE Kultur.

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From Darkness: New paths for documentary computer games
Presentation of the current steps of gold extra's new computer game

gold extra presents the current steps of the new game From Darkness. The artists interviewed nurses, street children, restaurant owners, journalists and refugees in Kenya and Uganda about their everyday life.
The metropolis Nairobi marks the starting point for tracing manifold stories of everyday life in between consequences of war, IT-boom and street trading: which image is thereby created and which image of the situation do we create ourself? With these questions in mind the documentary about East Africa today is being developed through gaming itself.  
Documentary games are a category in the field of serious games which has been tested rarely. With From Darkness gold extra tries to break new ground and find untested approaches for making documentary correlations playable. For the concept of the game gold extra won the media art award of Salzburg in 2012. Just like with the previous award-winning game Frontiers (Outstanding Artist Award 2012) the artists invite the public to join the discussion.

Presentation with Sonja Prlic, Karl Zechenter, Tobias Hammerle and Reinhold Bidner.
