Revolting Bodies / Workshop in Athens

Revolting Bodies / Workshop in Athen Revolting Bodies / Workshop in Athen.
Revolting Bodies / Workshop in Athen Revolting Bodies / Workshop in Athen.

In Revolting Bodies, we aim to research the possibilities of public physical action in civil unrest and the traditional forms of protest. We are interested to use own strategies to expand the standards of protests, to infiltrate this rituality of discontent and to interfere with the existing codes. The tools remain yet to be determined, but we vaguely call them performative. That may well be adding nonlinear and non-logical forms of narration to the protest ritual or the semiotic subversion of ongoing events, adding distortion that is being brought forth through the body and it possibilities. We focus on a magic that creates more with less, therefore embracing minimal means. We could imagine using scores, tasks, commands, tracks, costumes, props, animals, choreographies, text, improvisation and whatever suits us and comes to us. We shall enjoy what we are doing and shall restrain ourselves from falling into ongoing ideological trapdoors and sandpits.
Our aim is to research, try out, reflect and then experiment with a broader group of interested people in the format of a 3 day workshop. More can and should not be said at this very point. For this is not about writing long descriptions before an actual exchange between the participating individuals.

When: 15-17/11/2013
Hours: Friday 12.00-16.30, Saturday 12.00-14.00, Sunday 10.00-17.00
Cost: For free or under free contribution

by Georg Hobmeier with Ioanna Kampylafka and Synes Elischka