The Rules of the City - The Prequel

Regeln der Stadt - The Prequel Regeln der Stadt - The Prequel.
Regeln der Stadt - The Prequel Regeln der Stadt - The Prequel.

The Rules of the City - The Prequel

21.12., 21h

Is the tour guide training of any use if you are up againt the octopus in the river Salzach? Or would it be better to use your elbow-skills to avoid the tourists overcrowding the small streets and flee as fast as you can?

What are the rules of the city? Who's in charge? What will work and what is going to throw you int the abyss? We present a game night with a virtual pen & paper rpg, the ironic prequel to the fantastic adventures following next year.... and take care!
What is there crawling in the murky darkness at the river quai having already eaten the police patrol lurking for bicycle riders?

The rules of the city is a three part performative urban research project, which will debut in Winter 2021. Further Information:



Restricted number of participants: Information and registration:
Who cannot take part this time: To be continued in winter 2021!