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Friday, September, 27th. 2024, 7.30 pm
GAME TALK: Play, Create, Model: KI in Games
Lecture by Sebastian Frisch,
followed by a discussion with Sonja Prlić and Martin Löcker
Cooperation with “Obstacle”, a series of events organized by Fünzigzwanzig, curated by members of the board of Fünfzigzwanzig
AI and games: We explore the diverse aspects of the integration of artificial intelligence in the gaming world with Sebastian Frisch, project manager at the AI and XR research cluster of the media art institution V2_ in Rotterdam. From chatbot-controlled NPCs to procedural content and personalized gaming experiences, AI elements are already an integral part of contemporary games. But do we want to play with AI?
The questions: What are the challenges and opportunities for developers? What ethical concerns (AI bias) are there? To what extent can the use of AI even counteract the immersive effect of games? We will take a look at up-and-coming games, discuss a selection of research projects and try to define the current limits of these systems. The lecture will be followed by a discussion with Sonja Prlić and Martin Loecker.
Sebastian Frisch, MMus BA BSc, researches in the fields of extended realities, 3D audio and multisensory environments. Since 2022 he has been working as a project manager at the media art institute V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam (NL). Among other things, he is part of the AI and XR research clusters there, which deal intensively with current developments in the overlapping subject areas.
Sonja Prlic, Dr. MA, is a founding member of gold extra, works as an artist in digital and analog interdisciplinary art forms between play and performance and is co-director of the program area Contemporary Art and Cultural Production at Wissenschaft und Kunst (University of Salzburg/Mozarteum).
Martin Löcker, DI (FH) is a media artist and composer, artistic director of the Performing Sound event series and senior lecturer and head of the audio department at the Department of Creative Technologies at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (MMA).
The event series “Obstacle” is organized by changing curators, curator of the evening is Martin Loecker.
Admission: free of charge
at 9pm
Crawling Into The Sky - Music by Ben Lageder
An electronic music evening in the Werkstatt der Fünfzigzwanzig
Benjamin Lageder lives and works in Salzburg. A self-taught theater musician and electronic musician, he also enjoys creating sound installations, feels at home in the improvised, experimental field and also makes music for children. In his works with computer, synthesizer and sound effects, Benjamin Lageder improvises strangely beautiful sound spaces.
Location: FÜNZIGZWANZIG, Residenzplatz 10, 2.OG
About the Festival: https://goldextra.com/de/science-meets-fiction
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