Weekly Pandemic Pleasures1

Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.
Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique Weekly Pandemic Pleasures 1: Ballet Alcoholique.


Welcome to the first episode of gold extra´s "Weekly Pandemic Pleasures", where we from gold extra try to bring some of our "treasures" from our project archive a bit closer to you and hopefully entertain you in these strange times. In this week Reinhold presents "Ballet Alcoholique", an audiovisual animation from 2011, which was shown only once at a Festival (at Vienna Independent Shorts Festival 2012, back then in the Trés Chic Program at Gartenbaukino Vienna) and maybe once or twice in a Live-Visual Context with 1n0ut (audiovisual collective by Robert Praxmarer and Reinhold Bidner). 

"Ballet Alcoholique" is an audiovisual experiment which was inspired by Holger Hiller´s "Ohi Ho Bang Bang" (1988) and "Ballet Mecanique" (1924, Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy).

The Audio Track and its corresponding Video were recorded and created solely out (and unfortunately also under the influence) of Alcohol (and one cigarette). Therefore a typical Austrian artistic approach.

So below you can find a little Introduction video to the film and then the film “Ballet Alcoholique” of course as well. Good luck and stay safe!


Introduction Video for "Ballet Alcoholique" / Weekly Pandemic Pleasures from gold extra on Vimeo.


Ballet Alcoholique from 1n0ut on Vimeo.