Panel discussion: Opportunities and dangers of AI in arts and culture

  • Tobias Hammerle, Sonja Prlic und Gertrud Fischbacher diskutieren beim Kulturfrühstück zum Thema KI
  • Am Podium des Kulturfrühstücks zum Thema KI: Florian Jindra, Tobias Hammerle, Sonja Prlic und Gertrud Fischbacher, Moderation Benjamin Blaikner

Sonja Prlic and Tobias speak on the podium at the 60th cultural breakfast of Dachverband Salzburger Kulturstätten on the topic of art and AI.

Programs like ChatGPT have sparked debates about whether artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly taking over our world and whether this could mean the end of creative professions. At the same time, it is becoming clear that certain workflows can be accelerated or optimized through AI, but this also poses potential risks.

For this reason, we would like to examine the opportunities and dangers of AI in the arts and culture sector as part of a discussion session, with only people having their say at this breakfast.

On the podium: Gertrud Fischbacher (University Mozarteum, Artistic Research), Sonja Prlic & Tobias Hammerle (gold extra), Florian Jindra (FH Salzburg Department Creative Technology). Moderation: Benjamin Blaikner, kleines theater

