Co-Creators: Artificial Museum || Daniela Weiss und Jascha Ehrenreich

Mag Daniela Weiss (*1984, Vienna) is a digital artist who examines the worlds of analogue and digital art. Having a background in visual arts (BA Communication Design, Die Graphische, Vienna), applied Business Administration (Vienna University of Economics and Business), and digital art (Vienna University of Applied Arts), in 2017 she has been expanding her artistic research from interaction design and UX Design to the field of mixed reality. In 2020 ,  she co-founded the web-based AR platform "The Artificial Museum”.

Jascha Ehrenreich (*1982, Vienna) is a platform architect and programmer of virtual experiences. He has been programming homepages, games and community platforms for more than twenty years. Most of his clients were small companies and non-profit ngos.
In 2020, together with Litto, Jascha laid the foundation of the Artificial Museum, taking it from idea to international plattform, ready to envelope the globe.

Litto & Jascha