DON’T TELL – SHOW! Forecasts for the future of cultural work

DON’T TELL – SHOW! Prognosen zur Zukunft der Kulturarbeit DON’T TELL – SHOW! Prognosen zur Zukunft der Kulturarbeit.
DON’T TELL – SHOW! Prognosen zur Zukunft der Kulturarbeit DON’T TELL – SHOW! Prognosen zur Zukunft der Kulturarbeit.

DON’T TELL – SHOW! Forecasts for the future of cultural work

About digital publics in cultural spaces | Guests: Tina Lorenz and Karl Zechenter | Moderation: Theresa Seraphin


An event by ARGEkultur in cooperation with Müry Salzmann Verlag

21.04.2021, 20:00

"Within a week you can have what you want", a photo of this note, which is said to come from the Salzburg mayor, Reschen, is used by ARGEkultur to advertise the event for the 40th birthday, and rightly so! Yes, and what do we want today?

How can cultural institutions continue to do justice to their task of being a public place for social negotiation under these new circumstances? Which steps into a digital culture have been neglected or have to be taken quickly? How can the demand for non-commercial meeting spaces be transferred to digital media? And: what role do artists play in it, who work precisely at this interface between analog and digital space?

Under the heading DON’T TELL - SHOW! and on the occasion of the anniversary, the ARGEkultur invited seven persons with different focuses in cultural work to dare to make trend-setting prognoses on the cultural work of the future - and the future of cultural work. These forecasts will be published as a book in autumn in cooperation with Müry Salzmann Verlag. Tina Lorenz and Karl Zechenter are two of these authors. While Tina Lorenz asks us about the subversive potential of digital spaces for cultural work, the Salzburg media artist Karl Zechenter outlines the historical and current role and tasks in the development and maintenance of a lively art and cultural scene that forms this social public.
(Text: Theresa Seraphin)

Reading and discussion with Karl Zechenter and Tina Lorenz


Stream for the event