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How to talk to others by Games
Lecture by Aleksandra Jarosz and Game Talk with Sonja Prlic and Aleksandra Jarosz
Friday 1st October 202h1, 7.30pm
It's the end of the world as we know it - and what then? The young Polish game artist Aleksandra Jarosz shows ways how to get into conversation with and about computer games: her work mixes activist and research strategies. In 2019 she was the game designer of the game Fantastic Fetus, which was created against the background of the Polish anti-abortion laws and eventually became a political protest game. The game is a pregnancy tamagotchi that involves superpowers.
As a psychologist, she designed the game "Indygo", broached the subject of depression and recently completed her studies with a game to test the emotional world of players. In Game Talk she will discuss the possibilities of games to initiate debates and open conversations.
Aleksandra Jarosz is a psychologist and game designer at Purple Lamp Studio, Vienna. Her PhD project at the Akademie der Künste, Katowice, explored personality measurement in games. The interview is conducted by the scientist and media artist Sonja Prlic, who was awarded a project at ARS Ellectronica U14 in 2021.
Please also visit the many other events of the festival!
In events from September 27th to October 10th, fictional future designs and scientific findings will be related to one another. "It's the end of the world as we know it" is the motto of this year's festival. We are particularly interested in the second part of the term "... as we know it". H. for the references to transformation processes that do not mean the end of the world, but a different and perhaps better world. The science fiction articles on catastrophic possible futures usually also contain visions of preferable futures, i.e. desirable future developments that we are capable of especially in the face of impending dangers.