gold extra visits Angela Glechner

Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner.
Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner.
Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner.
Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner.
Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner.
Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner Zu Gast bei Angela Glechner.

gold extra visits Angela Glechner

Import/export in the lives of artists and cultural workers

For several years, Szene Salzburg has brought contemporary performing arts from all corners of the world to Salzburg. At the same time, the artists from gold extra export their works to different artistic disciplines and geographic regions.
From Berlin to St.Pölten, from Kasachstan to Kreuzberg or the Tamils in Mexico-city: arts, culture and artists are still exotic commodities, which circle around the planet restlessly. Can art and art education even be local? Or are artworks and cultural goods deprived of their meaning when this happens?