WeWrite #7 by André Leipold now online

WeWrite #7 von André Leipold jetzt online WeWrite #7 von André Leipold jetzt online.
WeWrite #7 von André Leipold jetzt online WeWrite #7 von André Leipold jetzt online.

The seventh article in gold extra's web journal for texts by artists "We Write, Right?" is now online:
Crossing over - A personal kaleidoscope of political art by André Leipold

André Leipold is interdisciplinary artist working as author, dramaturge concept writer and musician.

In the group “Zentrum für Politische Schönheit“ he is “privy councillor” and responsible for developing ideas, the setting of conceptual frameworks in all parts of the production (writing texts, staging and public representation) and coordinating artists. In this function he developed the term hyper-real theatre.


Blog: andreleipold.com 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Andre_ZPS 
ZPS: http://www.politicalbeauty.de/Andre_Leipold.html