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Where is the foreign in the familiar? Can your hometown transform into a foreign world? Is the foreign surprisingly very close to the familiar?
STRANGER HOME is an interactive city experience game: All three parts were presented in the framework of the festival Summer Scene 2018: 1) the city quiz journey in a darkened bus with 2 unconventional charming travel guides, 2) the mobile game and a 3. VR installation.
The game to Salzburg's unknown places can be continued or expanded after the city trip on the mobile phone or in the installation. In a lecture performance following the performances, the artists presented the transformation of STRANGER HOME into a virtual reality installation and a mobile phone app. In cooperation with the FH Hagenberg, gold has undertaken basic research on documentary work and virtual reality. One result of this is "Stranger Home VR", which, like the app, was presented and can be experienced seperately from the analogue version. A consistent feature of the artist group "gold extra", which has existed since 1998, is a way of working in which the idea leads to form. In his talk Tobias Hammerle talks about the development of "Stranger Home" and the exploratory approach of developing three forms of a game (analog, VR, mobile) in parallel and presenting them to the public. The project concept has already been awarded the Podium 2017 project funding by the State of Salzburg.