Ein Heldenpark (A Park for Heroes)
A performance tour on the tracks of the poet, demagoge and egomaniac Gabriele D'Annunzio on the ground of the IG-Farben Factory in Frankfurt/Main (Germany).
Dates: July 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th 2005, 8.30 pm
A cooperation between gold extra and Susanne Hiller with the degree programmes Dramaturgy and Stage Design of the Hessian Theatre Academy and the Institute for Theatre- Film- and Media Studies of the University of Frankfurt.
supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.
By Susanne Hiller, Sonja Prlic and Karl Zechenter
With Georg Hobmeier, Jeremy Xido
And Doris Prlic, Gabriela Schwab, Jörg Thums, Julia Zeh, Lynnette Polcyn, Nina Speyer, Pit Schmidt, Rolandas Slanciauskas, Sophia Ebert, Stefanie Plappert, Tim Schuster, Georgi Genchev Maglov a.o.