games - theatre - digital art – artistic research
gold extra is a group of artists creating artworks in and in between games, digital art, theatre and visual arts. They are exploring new formats, e.g. in the field of documentary computer games and robot theatre, and are experimenting with games as communication platforms for social and political issues. The idea creates the format - constant research into innovative artistic approaches is a central task for gold extra's artistic work.
gold extra's projects have received numerous awards in recent years. These include nominations for the main prize of the A.Maze Festival in 2016 and 2021, prizes for participatory media works, including Prix Ars Electronica U14 2020 and Award U14 2021, European Youth Culture Award 2019 and Media Literacy Award 2021. Reinhold Bidner has received numerous awards for his animated films, including. Award Best Austrian Animation (2Day Animation Festival, Vienna), winner of the Linz International Short Film, Under The Radar Festival Award, Hubert Sielecki Award and the Visual Music Award, as well as Honorable Jury Mentions in 2020 at Delhi Shorts International, Animakom Bilbao and Piccolo Festival dell'Animazione, among others. Sonja Prlic has received the Award of Excellence from the Ministry of Science for her artistic research work related to the computer game Frontiers.
For our artistic work as a group we have received, among others, the International Main Prize of the Kulturfonds Salzburg 2021, the Outstanding Artist Award for Interdisciplinarity (Republic of Austria) 2012 and the Landespreis für Medienkunst 2012 (Land Salzburg).
gold extra are:
Reinhold Bidner, Tobias Hammerle, Georg Hobmeier, Sonja Prlić, Sophia Reiterer, Karl Zechenter
not-active gold extra members: Martina Aicher, Branimir Bonev, Stefan Eder (DJ Odd), Elke Grothe, Markus Grüner-Musil (Aegyd), Matthias Gugler, Martin Haltrich, Susanna Kammeringer, Horst Köpfelsberger, Tina Kubek, Jürgen Lichtmannegger (eljot), Barbara Musil, Eva Musil, Doris Prlić, Thomas Prlić, Elisabeth Ramp, Karl Schönswetter (MC Azrael), Matthias Sulzberger, Daniela Tauderer, Elisabeth Zechenter, Marco Zinz (DJ Sors).
Jürgen Lichtmannegger, Markus Grüner, Eva Musil, Doris Prlić, and Karl Schönswetter worked in the managing board of gold extra.
We are very lucky to work with many great media artists who enrich our projects with their ideas, skills and creative energy. Whether it's game design, digital art, sound, animation or interactive installations - they bring that little something extra and make many things possible. You can find out who they are and what we have worked on together here: A huge thank you - working with you is always a pleasure!
gold extra is supported by City of Salzburg, State of Salzburg and Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.
Press response:
“A really different and unique mod, an awsome game. We had a lot of fun playing this” (Mod-Database).
„A beautiful, gritty, ground-breaking gaming project available as a free download.“ (European Cultural Foundation)
Black Box - Play for 8 remote controlled robots
„Black Box is a distinct, absurdly funny piece of experimental theatre… And the concept resolves itself amazingly self-evident.“ Christoph Schütte, FAZ
„A felicitous gesamtkunstwerk. It doesn’t make a show of the enormous technical efforts behind the scene, but trusts in its protagonists, the stage set and the story itself, that is, being combined with the original verses, bristling with truly comic ideas.” Anke Steinfadt, Offenbacher Post
„The choreography of the remote-controlled robots laughing and dancing joyfully between the visibly delighted audience was strongly impressive. That’s when they resembled human beings quite a lot.“ Stephan Kliemstein, Salzburger Nachrichten
„The artist-group gold extra presented theatre of the future. The subtle alternation between seriousness and serenity, between smart jokes and philosophical depth forms the quality of this performance. The accuracy of the technical procedures is admirable.“ Werner Thuswaldner, drehpunktkultur
gold extra Kulturverein
Hellbrunner Str. 3
A 5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43/699/18200965