On March9th 2017 from 6pm on (with Talk/Discussion at 7pm) we present "From Darkness" in the frame of GameStage@aec "The Art of Gaming" at Ars Elec...
gold extra´s first Open Studio in 2017. It´s all about Palinka!...
The seventh article in gold extra's web journal for texts by artists "We Write, Right?" is now online:...
Talk by Karl Zechenter at the Game Conference Ludicious, Zurich: "Interactive Experiences....
On thursday, we will publicly present From Darkness for the first time at ZKM in Karlsruhe....
The Indie Game Website Warp Door has added "From Darkness" to its list of favorite games of 2016!...
Reinhold's experimental Animation “Ex Terrat“ is going to be shown today at the international Animation Festival Animateka in Ljubljana.
For her PhD on Frontiers Sonja Prlic is awarded with the Award of Excellence by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy....
Reinhold Bidner and Sonja Prlic will present gold extra's art works dealing with migration and escape and talk about the connection of political to...
Georg Hobmeier is holding a talk at AdventureX, London, a gaming conference focusing on narrative gaming....
On November 15 2016 gold extra takes part in the Creative Gaming Festival "Play" in Hamburg and can be seen at two different program points:...
The experimental Animation "Ex Terrat" by Reinhold Bidner wins at Budapest Short Film Festival 2016: "Best Experimental"....
Tobias Hammerle created the Videos for the debut performance "Voices of Spring" At the B...
Reinhold was invited to Ars Electronica Festival´s Expanded Animation Symposium....
In August, on the streetcorner Rainerstraße - Franz Josef Straße in Salzburg, Reinhold´s Work that was chosen in the context of the "Art Advertisin...
The current Version of "From Darkness" and also our Game "Sole City" were presented at Radius Festival Vienna on July 23rd.
We write, right? is a web-based journal, since 2015 essays and texts by artists are published on the website.
Our Game "Sole City" was presented at the Austrian Games Night 2016 at Museumsquartier Vienna / Electric Avenue.
Sonja Prlić gives a talk concerning artistic experiences in documentary computer games based upon experiences from own works such as From Darnes an...
Until 4th of May: random? - the apparant, the arbitrary and the impossible. An exhibition at W&K
An exhibition by Tobias Hammerle and Karl Zechenter
Exibition duration: 2 months....