You’re in space! But why? And how did you get there? “The Station” is an interactive sci-fi novella set in turbulent times ...
Confidential documents by the EU Commission, Burglaries in India, Application letters by opera singers from Dubai - how did all of this material reach us? How is it connected? Is it at all connected?
On a regular basis: discussions and dresentations on different locations.
We write, right? is a web-based journal with texts by artists. From January 2015 on, essays are be published online regularly.

PC Game and DiscoveryTour With a Tablet

Feedback&Disaster is a multi media online platform
The classic three cylinders of a rebuilt slot machine display European situations of very personal crisis management with contributions from Wales, Spain, Roumania, Germany and many more.
Monthly talks about researching Art
Soundperformance by Doris Prlić
is a piece by Tommy Noonan in cooperation with gold extra, Studio Blixa 6 and enthusiastic encounters.